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EYOWN Technologies participates as Exhibitor in the 9th International Meeting of Biotechnology BIOSPAIN.2018 in Seville (25 – 27 September 2018)

On this occasion EYOWN presents the launch of the product line VIAFLO ASSIST of the brand INTEGRA BIOSCIENCES

Viaflo Assist is an Integra pipette assistant that can carry out liquid handling processes. The robot is composed of three main positions: Z-axis arm where the Integra pipettors of 8 or 12 channels are connected and of different volumes (12.5, 125, 300 and 1250 μL); A fixed position where an Integra reservoir of 10, 25 or 100 μL is placed; and finally a mobile position destined to PCR tubes or deep well or standard microplates of 96 or 384 wells.

The programming of the processes can be done through the pipette or using the free Vialink application. Vialink, in addition to programming, allows you to transfer programs from one Integra pipette to another with a different volume or different number of channels.

Integra for Autumn has created the second version of this robot called Viaflo Plus. This work machine retains the essentials of the Assist, but will have more work positions, automating the processes even more. In addition Integra Voyager pipettes can be integrated granting more versatility when pipetting.

We hope this information may be of interest to you. For any clarification or additional information, do not hesitate to contact us.